One Sketch A Day February 2017

Wow, the last month just flew by for me, I can't quite believe it's come round to writing this post already! As you might have read last month, I'm keeping a One Sketch A Day visual journal and at the end of each month plan to share a few of my favourite doodles from it. In January, refreshed after a good three weeks off work and studying, I did a really good job of keeping up with my daily doodles. But not so much in February. With my thesis deadline looming I've been working what feels like non-stop and when not working, my head has been full with work-related and personal worries. So this month, I've spent a lot of my doodling opportunities distracting myself with Netflix, chocolate and reading to take my mind off of everything. As cathartic as drawing is, I sometimes find my mind wandering and it's at these times that I find my worries can become a bit amplified. I felt that the sketches I had to chose from were a bit pitiful this month and so I'm not overly in love with the selection I've shared below. Despite this, I hope you like them and hopefully next month I'll be back on form!

One Sketch A Day February 2017
One Sketch A Day February 2017
One Sketch A Day February 2017
One Sketch A Day February 2017
One Sketch A Day February 2017