The beginning of a new year is always a great time to get organised and start planning for the days and months ahead. If like me you like to have all your important letters, dates and reminders out on display to keep you organised, then you are going to love this easy and pretty triangles noticeboard tutorial!
It may be a new year but I am still the same disorganised me who forgets to put on a bra and rarely makes it to anything on time. As this particularly disorganised and forgetful person (though miraculously only in my personal life), something that I have always found handy is to have all my important letters, invites and dates displayed right in front of me. If it's put away in a drawer I'm probably going to forget all about it, so a noticeboard is a bit of life saver. Noticeboards are often a bit dull though and so when I got this new one (perhaps "new year, new noticeboard" would be more appropriate?) I knew that I wanted to give it a makeover to make it as pretty as it is useful. Keep reading to find out what I used and how I did it...
Start by taping off one corner of the pin board. Mix up and paint the taped off corner in a colour of your choice (I went for a dusky grey).
When your first corner is dry, carefully peel off the masking tape. Tape off the next corner and paint this in another colour. I chose to make my triangles different sizes and also chose not to paint over the grey with the pink. Again, when this is dry, peel off the masking tape.
Next, tape off the third corner, paint and leave to dry. Once dry, peel off and tape off the fourth corner. Paint the fourth corner in a different colour, leave to dry and peel off the tape. I wanted the triangles at the top of my pin board to be flatter but you can adjust the angle to whatever size you want.
Next, grab some white paint and carefully paint a coat over the whole wooden frame. Once this is dry, paint another coat of white paint and leave to dry.
If you want to hang your pin board, when the frame is dry, turn the board over and put two screw-in closed hooks into the top two corners of the pin board. Tie some strong string with a knot to one hook and then tie it at the other end to the other hook.