DIY Bunting Aztec Necklace Clay by Isoscella

Hello blogosphere! The prospect of posting this, my FIRST ever blog post, is absolutely terrifying but also very exciting! I hope anyone reading out there enjoys my little creations and warbles. I thought that I would use this post to share this polymer clay bunting necklace I recently made for my sister. She wanted something that was chic, modern and summery which she could take on holiday with her and given my recent obsession with aztec patterns, I wanted to incorporate this into the design. Keep reading to find out how I did it...

DIY Bunting Aztec Necklace Clay by Isoscella
DIY Bunting Aztec Necklace Clay by Isoscella

1. First you'll need to soften your polymer clay in your hands.

2. Once soft enough, roll it out to your desired thickness.

3. Next, cut out five identical triangles.

4. Using a toothpick, poke holes into the top two corners of each triangle.

5. Place your triangles onto a baking tray and bake as directed on the clay packaging.

6. Once completely cool, decorate however you want (I used acrylic paint and metallic leaf) and leave to dry.

DIY Bunting Aztec Necklace Clay by Isoscella


7. Varnish each triangle to protect your paintwork and leave to dry overnight.

8. Once dry, attach large jump rings into each of the holes in the triangles.

9. Link up the triangles by attaching their jump rings with another jump ring.

10. Attach a jump ring and lobster clasp to a chain before attaching each end of the chain to the end triangles.

This was pretty easy to make for anyone else out there interested in giving it a go. And to decorate, I just painted a really simple pattern of triangles, dots and lines, and added some Fimo Gold Metal Sheet at the bottom of each triangle. The really nice thing about homemade jewellery as well is that any imperfections simply make it quirkier and more unique to you.

I would love to hear what you think of this little project and my (first ever) blog post in the comments below! :)

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