DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella
DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella
DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella

It's not long until Spring now; the 1st March is just around the corner, the days are ever so slowly becoming longer and I am more than a little bit excited to break out the pastel shades, put my winter coat away and see some sunshine. In this spirit, at the weekend I gave my nails a bit of a Spring-apt overhaul using three of my favourite pastel-coloured nail polishes. I wanted to keep it subtle and so I just used a clear base coat before adding polka-dots in different colours to create this 'confetti' look. Keep reading to find out what I used and how I did it...

DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella
DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella

1. Paint all over nails with a clear base coat. I used a Ciate treatment but you could simply use a clear polish.

2. Leave to dry completely and use a cocktail stick to put spots of polish in one colour all over. 

3. Once these are dry, put spots of another colour all over.

4. Leave to dry and then put spots of another colour all over. You can leave it here like I did or keep going with other colours!

5. When all layers are dry, paint over the top with a top coat. I used a Ciate Gelology top coat and did two coats of it allowing each coat to dry thoroughly in between.

... and that's it!

DIY Spring Confetti Nail Art by Isoscella

Let me know what you think of this nail art in the comments below!

Are you looking forward to Spring?